How to get whitening skin with lemon

Many cosmetic products offer beauty products for skin whitening, but how to get whitening skin with natural way? and what the tips?. You can use the natural way to whiten your skin with alot of way.

One of them is use the lemon water. You can also drink a glass of lemon juice early morning. Lemon water can make your skin more white and lighten. You can spray on water lemon  to skin, or rub a lemon rind over your skin, it cleanses the skin. Wash your skin or face with lemon, combine water and lemon, and use early morning and night before you sleep...
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Cyntiasari | Sharing Tips said...

Thanks for sharing this tip. Tia suka Jeruk saat dimakan sebagai buah meja kak :)

Meria said...

ha.. ha.. never mind.. it's good to for your health .. thank's Tia

Bang Ancis said...

Hmmm emang betul jeruk bikin kulit putih, dari jaman ga enak lho udah dikenal. SALAM KENAL FROM SURABAYA

Meria said...

Thank's bang Ancis...

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